I have a few collections. We've already discussed my
extensive sweater collection, and the beginnings of a
Pyrex collection. On display today: my vintage sheet collection.

Why vintage sheets? The older sheets are often 100% cotton percale, very smooth fabric, softer than my 500 thread count brand-new sheets. The designs are pretty. They're not sateen, so they don't pill. The fabric is useful for things other than sheets. And they're inexpensive, especially when found at thrift stores! The only downside? Most sheets are sized for a double bed. This does not deter me from purchasing them, though! Besides, we own a full size air mattress. A flat double sheet can be tucked onto a queen size mattress (just barely), and a second flat sheet on top works just fine. It does mean that there's a little less sheet to go around, though.

Most of my sheets have been purchased separately from each other. I have three distinct color patterns of this daisy print sheet (all double size) - two pink flat (one faded pink), one blue flat, and one gray fitted sheet. These are gracing the guest room bed right now, since my brother and his wife are coming to visit. Her favorite flower is the daisy. Naturally, I chose the pink daisy for the bottom sheet, and the blue for the top sheet, with some basic white pillow cases. Cute. I'm considering making the gray fitted sheet into pillowcases... thoughts?

Some of my sheets have yet to find a match - the yellow flowers with blue centers are a recent addition to my collection (far left). The fabric is unevenly faded, though, and I'm considering this for a future sewing project. Maybe another apron? Or even cute pj bottoms?
The pink pillowcase is awaiting either a project or a pillow. I have yet to decide!
The white with floral embroidery is a heavy linen-like fabric. The embroidery was done by my great grandmother, Alice.
The white lace-edged pillowcases I found at a Salvation Army store - hooray for a pair! I use them regularly for their intended purpose.
I have three twin sized sheets and a few pillowcases in the pink and blue pansy print. I found these at different garage sales and thrift stores. These are my favorites, I think! They come with me as sleeping bag liners when I go on women's retreats with my mom.

The blue/green/white/aqua daisy print is a twin sheet that I found in my mom's collection. Very flower-power.
You can see the top corner of a set of two white-on-blue daisy print pillowcases that I found at Salvation Army. I also use these two as regular pillowcases - you can see them better in the bottom right corner of the first picture in this post.
The yellow and brown floral (very retro, I know!) is a complete full size set with two pillowcases (purchased at different times). Most of the set is very silky-smooth and faded from use, but the pillowcase on top is almost new and quite a bit stiffer. Still very smooth fabric.

And that embroidered pillowcase in the middle? Also the handiwork of my great grandmother, Alice. I never knew her, but I admire her patience and creativity. It's beautiful work. There are two of these, two, and they'll always be pillowcases in my house!
And that is one of my collections. Upcoming: scarves. What do you collect?
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