today i went to thursday morning bible study like i usually do, and i met a new friend named Edna! well, maybe first i should tell you that in this study group of about 40 women, most of them are at least 40 years older than me. at any rate, it's cool to hear their wisdom, and to be inspired and encouraged by their faith. i've been learning a lot from them, and it's so nice to finally feel like a i have a friend.
after the study today, i went up to the sanctuary and actually practiced piano for a solid hour. it was so nice! it was maybe even more than an hour... and my wrists didn't hurt too badly. i've been having issues with that.
later, Edna came up after a second meeting and asked if i would help with some clerical stuff up at the church office, so i did. it was tedious ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-c, send, compose. (repeat) to send a bunch of emails to the church members to create the directory and make sure it was accurate. i got a terrible pain in my neck, and definitely started to resent that i'm such a "yes" girl.
these things have their rewards, though. Edna took me out to lunch after that, and it was fabulous. wonderful conversation, great food, and just so nice to feel needed and loved and like i belonged. it's so hard to be in a new place with no friends and no job, especially when i'm such a driven, highly motivated to success sort of person. i really did want to be in grad school with my husband, and i wanted to be achieving the great things that he is - beside him. i don't really have a clear direction for my life right now, and it's scary.
i got home late - almost 4:15 - and finally checked email, went running, stretched, and showered. by that time, my dear husband was home from ultimate frisbee, and i made dinner.
a day in the life... not so much interesting as joyful.
i am thankful for my new friend.
last night i got an awesome deal on ebay - two pairs of sweet jeans for $20. can't wait to get them!
and tomorrow i'll go shopping with some of my husband's friends from school - i hope that's fun!
i think i'll post a few pictures with this just for fun... probably unrelated to the post, but fun.
signing off for now.
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