...and I have. yesterday was a very busy day for me - i cleaned essentially our entire 800 square foot apartment, and did a good job at it. it took me all the way until 1:00, at which point i stopped for a shower and lunch. i was proud of my hard work, but it went unnoticed, as usual.
a bright spot in the day was shopping with another new friend of mine - she's an American immigrant from Russia. we enjoyed exploring the fabulous second hand stores in the downtown area and found some great deals! i scored a lovely palm-green j.crew sweater for just $12, and she picked up some cookbooks as well as a new-with-tags sweater that looks great on her.
later that evening, my husband and i went out with some friends to a great Mexican restaurant in town - they have amazing food, and the best fresh lemonade I've ever had. however, this meant about 45 minutes of standing in line before we were seated! i can't remember a time when i've spent a solid three hours waiting to be seated, ordering, and eating a meal. but it was amazing. the guacamole there is inspirational - i'm going to try to make that sometime. and the fresh salsa...makes me not want to ever go back to Pace Picante out of a jar. maybe i was just extremely hungry and having a great time, but it's probably the best i've ever tasted.
this morning was comprised of a rehearsal at church for the music on Sunday morning. it's so nice to work with these talented people to put together something pleasing.
i hate going grocery shopping when i know we really don't have enough money for what i'm putting in the cart. don't get me wrong, i love the grocery store and shopping itself. the experience can be wonderfully pleasant. however, i bought only the necessities for the week and stocked up on some of the essentials that are running low... the bill still came to a whopping $60. something is wrong with this picture. there are only two of us in the house, and i don't believe it actually costs that much to feed us for an entire week. for what it's worth, i actually spent only $40 last week, and we had company for the weekend. i don't know how that worked, but it was a blessing. it makes me depressed to think that the funds i have now are only going to last through january, especially at this rate.
and because of that, i'm listing things for sale on ebay. it seems like it's going to be more practical than dropping them off at the second hand store, where all i can get is store credit, and a minimal amount at that. i'm doing what i can to make some money for us.
i wonder when God will provide me with a job. and how long i have to wait before he does.
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