Wednesday, October 19, 2011

and today at grad school

And today at grad school, I used a power tool!!

Well, just an electric screwdriver, but it was cool. We just got a new Wenger folder cabinet for the choir folders, and I had to readjust the height of the shelves to accommodate our binders. This meant eight screws and Linnea wielding a bright orange Black & Decker screwdriver. Awesome. It brought a wee bit of self-sufficient happy to my day.

In other news, I also bought a $13 t-shirt for $5 at the campus store, followed soon thereafter by the news that my $60 parking ticket had been reduced to $5. Win.

I ate a quick lunch, accompanied for an hour, and went to class... finding out that I most certainly have an A for this half of the semester. Sweetness.

There's a tree on campus that has some strange looking fruit that looks like an overgrown cherry with bumps all over it. I have since discovered that it's a Kousa Dogwood, and the fruit is edible! It tastes like a peach with a really weird texture. It's a soft, fleshy orange color on the inside, and the skin is reddish orange. Cool!

Many reasons for happy. So many more than what's here. I'm blessed!


Kristen [Teamfuest] said...

Wait, what?! I can eat the fruit off my tree??

Linnea said...

yes, indeed! At least, Wikipedia says so. And I didn't have any adverse reaction when I ate some. :o)