Wednesday, February 29, 2012

little things

I haven't done a post on the little things lately, so here are some that come to mind today:
Snowdrops from another year, at my parents' home
1. Clear roads for easy travel! In Western NY! In the winter!
2. Birds singing instead of my alarm clock blaring
3. Bits of sunshine peeking through gray clouds and daffodil shoots braving the cold
4. Time spent with my parents and siblings, and the season's first snowdrops, picked for me by my daddy.
5. Impromptu music-making with my mom and sister, including me playing both piano and viola and taking silly bows after less-than-stellar performances.
6. Cuddly kitties that are happy to be petted when I come home, even if I've been gone for a long time.
7. Clean clothes and a laundry room right in my own rented house
8. Chocolate. And chocolate chip cookies. And finding an earring that I thought was gone forever!
9. Thrift store successes! I'll post about that, soon.
10. My talented husband, who just got a check in the mail for the music he wrote for two iPhone/iPad/iTouch games: Tower Attack! Curse of Zombie Island ($1.99) and iRis AG (free!). You should check out the games! If you don't have an iSomething, you can still hear some of his music on his website. He's pretty much amazing, in so many ways. 


How have you been blessed today?

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