Friday, May 17, 2013

little things: busy edition

bah. We've been so busy lately, and I really don't like it. All good things, but so busy.

Brad has had frisbee and hockey games on the same night. Small group is another evening. This weekend we have concerts on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Our weekends have been full of house repairs and remodels.

We've traveled soooo much.

I'm tired.

It's just hard to stay positive when I feel so drained, when babysitters aren't available, when I might have to back out of a commitment. It's hard to share a car, pinch pennies and decide what we don't need until pay day, and to wait. I'm trying to still my heart and listen for what God might want to teach me through this, for how he might strengthen me to face what it is that I must do. And for wisdom to do it well.

But, we have everything we need. Food, warmth, love, shelter. Family, friends, comfort, safety. A working car. Some money in the bank. Each other.

God is good, even in the middle of my stress. "Oh, for grace to trust Him more."

So, here are some little things.

1. Brad took us to the Rochester, NY Lilac Festival for part of my Mother's Day gift.

2. He also bought me a gorgeous orchid.
3. Our new house is slowly decluttering as I put boxes in the attic and unpack. I'm working on it slowly as the baby naps and I have the energy to unpack. I'm trying to be okay with the corners of chaos. I am thankful for our many possessions, though they are many.
4. I love the sunshine that streams in our windows!
5. My baby boy is almost able to sit up on his own, and is such a happy guy most of the time.
6. We will see both my parents and Brad's parents this weekend.
7. We have the opportunity to sing classical music together in a choir again, and it's so fun.
8. I got an encouraging email from a former choir student who is now studying music at a local university.
9. The previous owner of our house planted some perennials I love: bleeding heart flowers and hydrangeas, to name a couple!
10. It's nice enough to let laundry dry outside. Oh! And my laundry machines are in my very own basement. Hooray!

Well, I feel better now. What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Kristen [Teamfuest] said...

Ugh, I get stressed out when we're super busy, too. This week we had a commitment almost every night, and that felt nuts. You're right though, we have so much to be thankful for!

Also - love the little cutie in the ergo ;) Someday we will take a picture together in our matching ergos, and I will actually have a little fuest in mine :)